Join us for Frozen In Concert, where Walt Disney Animation Studios' beloved film comes to life with a live performance of Christophe Beck's GRAMMY®-nominated score. The event showcases the enchanting music that made Frozen a global phenomenon, with the score performed live as the film plays on the big screen.

Frozen features a multi-Platinum soundtrack with eight unforgettable songs by Academy Award®, Emmy®, and GRAMMY®-winning songwriters Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The iconic "Let It Go," performed by Idina Menzel, is among the highlights, earning both an Oscar® and GRAMMY® for its impact.

Experience the magic, adventure, and heart of Frozen in a whole new way as the music, story, and visuals combine to create an unforgettable live event for audiences of all ages.

Seat Categories Price inc. VAT
Floor Royal AED 350
Floor Diamond AED 250
Floor Platinum AED 175
Floor Gold AED 125
Lower Tier Diamond AED 250
Lower Tier Platinum AED 175
Lower Tier Gold AED 125
Lower Tier Silver AED 95
Lower Tier Bronze AED 75

Wheelchair Accessible Seating: Please contact our Concierge Team on 600 511 115